Stack Overflow Question

1.Adding a Existing folder to VS Project. Which is outside the VS Project

Answer –

You can use a symbolic link. This makes modifying the file in one project modify it in the other (as it’s actually the same file).

To do this:

  1. Open cmd prompt as administrator
  2. mklink /d [current project directory name] [directory in other project it should point to]

This has it’s drawbacks and pitfalls, but I use it on occasion for duplicate libraries that need different names.

Edit for Anoop: Steps to add to Visual Studio:

  1. Create link in the project folder using the steps above.
  2. In Visual Studio… select project in Solution Explorer.
  3. At the top of Solution Explorer… click the Show All Files button (may need to click it twice if already active).
  4. The link will now show in your project… right-click and choose Include In Project.

These are the steps I follow and works for a couple different projects.